Demystifying The Modification Of Word Templates For GP

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Once GP has been installed – Install the Microsoft Word Add-In from the GP Installation Disk.  This will install the Default Word Templates and will add Template Maintenance and Template Configuration to the Administration >> Reports Window.

Creating a New Template:

1.)  Open Template Maintenance – this will Open the Report Template Maintenance Window.

2.)  From the Report Name Drop Down Box – Select More Reports – This Opens the Reports Window.

3.)  Select the following from the drop down lists:

                                    Product – Microsoft Dynamcis

Series – Sales

Status – All Reports

These choices will populate the Reports portion of the Window.

4.)  Scroll thru the list of report templates and select the desired report that you want to modify the template.  For example – *SOP Blank Invoice Form.  Please note the * denotes an original template.  Click Select.

This closes the Reports Window and populates the Available Templates for the Selected Report section of the Window.

5.)  Highlight the Selected Template (*SOP Blank Invoice Form Template) and Click the New Button.

This will Open the New Template Window.

6.)  Select From Existing Report – Highlight the Report Template.

7.)  In New Template Name – Give the Report a New Name (ex. XXXX SOP Blank Invoice) – Click Create.  This will close the New Template Window and returns you to the Report Template Maintenance Window.  Be sure to make note of the New Template Name – it will be used later.

8.)  Highlight the newly created Template.  Click Modify.

9.)  This opens a message window “Do you trust this application to save files to your hard drive?”  Click OK.

10.)  This opens a message window “Do you want to save XXXX SOP Blank Invoice.docx?”  Click OK

11.)  This will open the Save As Window – Navigate to either a shared location or desktop or other location as desired.  Once you have selected the location – Click Save.

12.)  Navigate to the location where you saved the Modified Template.  Open the Template – Click on Enable Editing.  This will allow you make changes to the Template.

13.)  Make the changes desired – you can change colors – delete cells – etc.  Remember to Save often.  Once the Template is modified to your satisfaction – Save.

14.)  Go Back to GP >> Administration >> Reports >> Template Maintenance.

15.)  From the Report Name Drop Down Box – Select the Form that you modified – SOP Blank Invoice Form.

16.)  Highlight the XXXX SOP Blank Invoice and Click the Green Plus Sign.

17.)  This opens a message window “Do you trust this application to open files from your hard drive?”  Click OK.

18.)  Navigate to where you saved the modified template.  Select the modified Template – Click Open.

19.)  This opens a message window “The template you are adding already exists in the database.  Would you like to replace the existing template?”  Click Yes.  You have now saved the modified Template to GP.


From the Report Template Maintenance Window – Highlight the Modified Template – XXXX SOP Blank Invoice – Click Assign – Select Company.

This opens the Company Assignment Window – Select the Company – Click Set as Default.

This opens the Default Assignment Window – Click the Template (XXXX SOP Blank Invoice) – Click Save – This returns you to the Company Assignment Window – Click Save.

Print Template Form:

To Print the Modified Template – Go To Sales >> Transactions >> Sales Transaction Entry.

Enter Test Transaction Information >> Click Print

This Opens the Print Sales Documents Window – Click Invoices – Click Print

This Opens the Report Destination Window – Select Screen (you will have the option to print the form later).  Make sure Templates is Selected in Report Type.  Click OK.

Verify the changes that you made to the Template.

Verify that you are seeing all the changes you made.  If you need to make additional changes to the Template – go back to Create a New Template Step 12 and repeat the steps.

Tricia Chase | Senior Business Software Consultant

As a Senior Business Consultant, Tricia has performed various roles for customers including conducting design sessions, integrating data, training GP and 3rd Party modules, troubleshooting data issues, and acting as interim controller. Tricia has over 20 years of experience as an accountant and over 15 years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics GP usually working with the Accounting / Finance Teams or the HR / Payroll Teams.  Prior to KTL, Tricia worked for various partners and as an Independent Consultant.  She has worked with various industries including:  Construction, Trucking, Health Care, and State Government.  Tricia holds a B.S. in Accounting from St. Mary of the Plains College in Dodge City, Kansas.

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