Customer statements are an integral part of your ERP system. Statements can be generated and printed based on variety of criteria. Check out the steps below for assistance with creating statements based on your individual requirements.
Creating Customer Statements in Microsoft Dynamics GP
To print the statements for customers, the user must first set up the criteria required for the statements. To create the criteria and print the statements, the user should follow these steps:
- Select Microsoft Dynamics GP – Tools – Routines – Sales – Statements
Enter the Statement ID
- Enter the Statement Description to define when and which customers the statement applies to
- The Address ID should auto fill in once the initial parameters are entered. The address may be changed based on the statement requirements
- Select the form for the statements: long, short, side, user-definable, blank paper, short continuous, side continuous, multi-currency long, or multi-currency blank. Each of the form types can be customized using the report writer to format the statement based on your requirements, including adding your company logo.
- Select the Customers sort order: The options are Customer ID, Customer Name, Class ID, Customer Type, Salesperson ID, Sales Territory ID, Zip Code, or Statement Cycle from the customer card
- Select the Document sort order for each customer: The options are Document Number, Transaction Date, and Due Date
- Select and enter the Date to Print: Choose from Enter Date for a specific date, Current Date, Beginning of the Month, End of the Month, Beginning of the Period, End of Period, Beginning of Previous Month, or End of Previous Month
- Select and enter how to summarize the statement data: The options are Enter Date for a specific date, Current Date, Beginning of the Month, End of the Month, Beginning of the Period, End of Period, Beginning of Previous Month, or End of Previous Month
- Select and enter the Cut-Off Date for the transactions to display on the statement: The options are Enter Date for a specific date, Current Date, Beginning of the Month, End of the Month, Beginning of the Period, End of Period, Beginning of Previous Month, or End of Previous Month
- Select the Print For criteria by selecting the appropriate options:
Option | Description |
Current Period Balance | Prints statements for customers with current balances. |
Past Due Balance | Prints statements for customers with past due balances. |
Credit Balance | Prints statements for customers with credit balances. |
Current Period Paid In Full | Prints statements for customer with current balances paid in full. |
No Activity | Prints statements for customers who have no current activity. |
Zero Balance Due | Prints statements for customers with zero balances. |
Show Applied Payments | The applied portion of a payment will appear on the report below the invoice it’s associated with. |
Exclude Fully Applied Payments | Payments that have been fully applied don’t appear on the report. |
Consolidated National Account | National account customers will have consolidated statements printed. If you select this option and you don’t mark Individual Child Statements, only one statement will be printed for each national account. If you mark Individual Child Statements, one statement will be printed for each national account, and an additional statement will be printed for each child included on a consolidated statement. |
- Select the type of items to include for All items, Open Items only, or Balance Forward items only
- Select which types of transactions to include: The options are Credit Limits, Finance Charges, Payments, Messages, and Individual Child Statements if using National Accounts
- Select the range of customers or other parameters to print statements for or select all statements. The options for the range are: Customer ID, Customer Name, Class ID, Customer Type, Salesperson ID, Sales Territory ID, Zip Code, or Statement Cycle from the customer card
- If selecting a range:
- Select the range type
- Enter the range
- Click the Insert Button to add the range for the statements
- Select the Destination to print the statements to. The options are: Screen, Printer, or File
Including Messages on Statements
- Click the Messages button
- Enter the message for each category you would like to print if the customer falls within the category. The options are: Finance Charges, All Statements Line 1, All Statements Line 2, All Statements Line 3, Balance Brought Forward, NSF Check Charge, Credit Limit Exceeded, 0-30 Days, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, and 91 and Over
- Click OK
Print and/or E-mail the Statements
If you wish to have the statements emailed rather than printing, you can select the E-mail Options button. The customer must be setup for E-mailing of statements for this process to work
- Select the options for printing and/or E-mailing the statements. The options are Send E-mail Customer Statements, Print Statements for E-mail Customers, or Print and Send E-mail Customer Statements
- Select the form to use for the E-mail. The options are: long, short, side, user-definable, blank paper, short continuous, side continuous, multi-currency long, or multi-currency blank. Each of the form types can be customized using the report writer to format the statement based on your requirements, including adding your company logo.
- Enter the Email Subject Line for the customer to see on their email
- Click OK
- Click Save
To print and/or E-mail Statements, follow these instructions:
- Select the Statement ID
- Modify the statements if required
- Click the Print Button
Reprinting Statements in Microsoft Dynamics GP
Once the statements have been printed in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the user may reprint the statements to either send a duplicate to the customer or keep an additional copy for the accounting records. In order to reprint the customer statements, you should follow these steps:
- Select Microsoft Dynamics GP – Tools – Routines – Sales – Reprint Statements
- Enter the range of customers you would like to view for reprinting statements
- Enter the range of dates you would like to view for reprinting statements
- Click the Redisplay button
- Select the form to use for the statement format
- Check the boxes for the customers and dates you would like to reprint
- Click the Print button
Need more help? Call KTL Solutions.
If you still struggle with finding the right statement to print for your customers, give KTL a call. We specialize in customizations, Microsoft solutions, and products that make your life easier. KTL Solutions’ team of software developers have built numerous software solutions ranging from single field changes to the most complex calculations for Great Plains Customers, Dynamics CRM users, and standalone business needs.
If you’re ready to work with a certified Microsoft partner, get in touch with us today.