Tag: Microsoft

How to Conquer Mass Modification to Price Lists in GP

I recently worked on a project to work with Price List Items in GP, a platform which traditionally is not my forte. The goal was to add existing inventory items to a newly created Price Level which we will call ‘NEW’ for the purpose of this article. The caveat was that the current price method used for existing Price Levels (we will call ‘GENERAL’ and ‘DISCOUNT’) was ‘% of List Price’ and the client wished to track these Price List Items as ‘Currency Amount’. This pushed us to have to make the change via the third party application, Scribe, as a change to the price method through the native import tool is not available.

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Where is Everyone Going?

Do you commute to work? Do you sit in traffic during that commute? Do you sit in an unreasonable amount of traffic? Do you feel your time can be better spent being more productive? If so I’m with you. Anyone else feel it’s crazy to pay $13.50 to go 10 miles slightly faster and then still have to sit in a jam after those 10 miles?

This is life in the DC area and it can easily be that same case for any major metropolitan city. I have heard comedians make the joke that to get ride of all the traffic, if only the people going north could change jobs or homes with the people going south everything would be fine (it goes something like that). Traffic is a plague to the issues like fossil fuels and ozone. There is a 21st century solution to all these problems; work remotely.

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How to Add a ‘GO TO’ to a Custom Smartlist

When you open a SmartList and double-click on a line item Great Plains will take you to the transaction screen that is associated with that specific line item.  This is a functionality within SmartList called a “GoTo”.  This function works for all standard GP SmartLists.  

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KTL-etc: Your Cloud, Your Way.

Over the last several years we have heard a lot about the cloud: How easy it is to move business applications to the cloud; how IT departments are making this part of their strategic business plans; and the different initiatives coming about on how to save companies money and gain efficiencies.  IT is now able to off load hardware and software administrative and resource overhead to hosting providers.  This is empowering them to not only concentration on, but to be a PART of, strategic technology planning efforts for their organizations.  This is an overall benefit to the organization, and I believe an unexpected but welcomed result of the cloud movement.  

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We have an App for you!

KTL Solutions has been creating customizations for Microsoft Dynamics GP since before there was a Microsoft Dynamics GP. Dynamics GP was originally Dynamics by Great Plains Software and some of our products go back that far. These add-on modules for GP have been designed to fill a need that the core functionality of GP does not provide. We will be looking at 3 core products that KTL offers as add-ons to GP. These are AP Fast Entry, Payroll Security, and Advanced Distributions.

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How to UnApply – ReApply a Cash Receipt in GP

Three reasons why a user may need to Unapply or reapply a cash receipt.

  1. The Customer has payment, credit memo, or return that was applied to the incorrect invoice. 
  2. The Customer has payment, credit memo, or return that was applied to the correct invoice, but the amount was applied incorrectly. 
  3. The Customer has an outstanding payment, credit memo, or return that can now be applied to the correct invoice. 

So how do I do this?

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Not Your Parent’s Accounting System

Acumatica is one of the new solutions in the game and the fastest growing Cloud ERP in the world. They were incorporated in 2008 and started by ex-Microsoft Dynamics executives. The goal being to improve on all that is wrong with MSFT systems. MSFT accounting is good for what it is, but it has a hard time doing what people need to do with computing today. The point of this is not to bash MSFT, but point out where Acumatica is: years ahead in technology; just like your Mac Book is to the IBM 650.

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Power BI’s Power View: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also appropriately characterizes one of the main goals of data visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

The point of Power View is to make it very easy to create pretty, interactive data presentations or reports that will make your boss go “Wow, how did you do that? You’re a genius!” Well, OK, maybe not that far but you’ll definitely look smart. Plus, it also can be used to explore your data visually without worrying about messing anything up and even make reports on your own, without IT help.

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Dynamics GP & CRM Integration Demystified: Part 2

Continuing from my previous post about Dynamics GP & CRM integration I will go over the tools and technical details on the integration. You don’t have to decide on the integration tool right from the beginning, again it will depend on your requirements and also keeping in mind your future needs. The marketplace is flooded with a lot of integration tools for GP and CRM so take your time in understanding your needs and then choose the integration application. 

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