Tag: Customer

In-Scope Vs. Out-of-Scope

As Project Managers, we often struggle managing client expectations regarding what is in-scope vs. what is not. We want to agree with the philosophy of

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3 Reasons Why You Need a CRM System (Customer Relationship Management)

Here are three pertinent reasons your business needs and can benefit from having a CRM.

How many successful projects have you had in the past week, month or even year? What is your conversion ratio and what are the best methods to make sure you are reaching your customers? Knowing your business metrics is critical to your business growth and success. A CRM will give you instant metrics of dozens of aspects of your business plus it allows you to create custom reports to better track metrics to your specific needs. Once you have those reports at your fingertips, you will never look back. Just think. No more time wasted on excel spreadsheets!

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How to Analyze and Report on your Data

Part 2 of 2 in Data Warehousing series

Every business from startup to larger established businesses needs to track details about their customers, products, sales, purchases, social media, website logs to name a few.  By extracting, manipulating and analyzing this data you can determine key metrics to help you understand more about your customers and grow your business.  In part 1 we talked about how to kick start your data warehousing with BI360 and now we need to know what to do with all this data.

Basically you can use your Data Warehouse for financial statement reporting and analysis, dashboards and data mining. I previously went through how to use BI360’s One Stop Reporting here (link to Part 5 – BI Series Nov 2013) so I will be talking more about data mining and .

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Making Your Software Work for You: Dynamics CRM

Part of our job here at KTL Solutions is to show or demo business solutions to our clients. These solutions can range from Budgeting/Reporting, AP Automation, Warehouse Management, to Customer Management software. One of the first requirements we hear from most customers is that they need the software to work for them, not the other way around.

All businesses are unique, and everyone has a different way of conducting business. Established organizations have processes already in place. These processes can be extremely difficult and disruptive to the entire business if they have to change to accommodate a new software solution. More to that point, it does not make sense to purchase a “solution” that requires you to change the way you do business. Software is an investment. It takes money, time, and man power to implement a solution so at the end of the day it should work for you, not the other way around.

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Using MSFT Dyn CRM to Automate RFP Responses

We have observed over the last few years that bidding on contracts with the Federal Government is becoming easier and harder; a contradiction yes, but true just the same.

It has become easier because of the standardization of the award vehicles and bid consolidators like INPUT.  The task of finding the right contracts to bid on and the less complex responses required make it easier; but now that it is easier, there are many for firms competing, which makes winning contracts harder.

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How to UnApply – ReApply a Cash Receipt in GP

Three reasons why a user may need to Unapply or reapply a cash receipt.

  1. The Customer has payment, credit memo, or return that was applied to the incorrect invoice. 
  2. The Customer has payment, credit memo, or return that was applied to the correct invoice, but the amount was applied incorrectly. 
  3. The Customer has an outstanding payment, credit memo, or return that can now be applied to the correct invoice. 

So how do I do this?

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