Modification to Bulk Update the Parent Account: MSFT Dynamics CRM
No one enjoys opening up each record, one at a time, to update a field with the same value in your company’s CRM. This is why the bulk edit feature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM is such a great tool, especially if the field you need to update is a Lookup field. This ends up saving a bunch of clicks and ultimately, time. One thing I never really noticed though, is that while most fields can be edited there is one on the Account that stood alone. The Parent Account. Since I hadn’t had a need to ever update this field en masse myself it wasn’t until a client wanted to change the Parent Account on multiple records that I realized CRM has the lookup link grayed out. Meaning, Read More »
Demystifying The Modification Of Word Templates For GP
Once GP has been installed – Install the Microsoft Word Add-In from the GP Installation Disk. This will install the Default Word Templates and will add Template Maintenance and Template Configuration to the Administration >> Reports Window.
How to Conquer Mass Modification to Price Lists in GP
I recently worked on a project to work with Price List Items in GP, a platform which traditionally is not my forte. The goal was to add existing inventory items to a newly created Price Level which we will call ‘NEW’ for the purpose of this article. The caveat was that the current price method used for existing Price Levels (we will call ‘GENERAL’ and ‘DISCOUNT’) was ‘% of List Price’ and the client wished to track these Price List Items as ‘Currency Amount’. This pushed us to have to make the change via the third party application, Scribe, as a change to the price method through the native import tool is not available.