Self-Managed Teams
One of the many facets of the Agile team is that they are in large part self-managed. Coming from a traditional project management world, this
One of the many facets of the Agile team is that they are in large part self-managed. Coming from a traditional project management world, this
In the 21st century, all organizations need technology to run and operate effectively. The problem is that, as we continue to rely more and more on
Businesses are constantly seeking creative ways to maximize capital and decrease operating expenses. One tactic that is catching momentum is requiring or allowing employees to
I’d like to break down the difference between two types of teams found in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013. Most people who are familiar with teams in Dynamics CRM know about what are called, “Owner Teams.” These are the traditional teams that have been around since CRM 4. In Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft has introduced a new type of team called an, “Access Team.” The purpose of creating Access Teams appears to be for the benefit of working around and with some of Dynamics CRM’s security features.
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