What is the Cloud and What are its Advantages?
In this blog, I wanted to summarize the Cloud environment. Simply put, the cloud is the internet. It is a pool of shared computing resources
In this blog, I wanted to summarize the Cloud environment. Simply put, the cloud is the internet. It is a pool of shared computing resources
As Project Managers, we often struggle managing client expectations regarding what is in-scope vs. what is not. We want to agree with the philosophy of
If you’re a beginner, or maybe even somewhat experienced, CRM developer doing a server side plug-in, or in particular, a custom workflow activity for the
What am I doing? The same thing I have always done? The same thing that hasn’t given me the results that I wanted, that hasn’t helped me hit my goals?
These are the questions businesses are asking themselves all the time. They know what they are doing, they know it’s not working, but they don’t know how to change it. And in the world with budgets, time restraints, managers and employees to answer to the idea of changing what you are doing to get better results can leave you stagnant while you figure out what exactly it is you need to change. And being stagnant means losing money. Who has time for that?
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a Fixed Asset as a “tangible object of a permanent or long-term nature. Businesses of all sizes purchase and maintain equipment, computers, machinery, furniture, tools and other items to assist in running their enterprise. Tracking the cost, current value and the depreciation expense of these items is a vital exercise of the accounting department of a business. The accurate accounting of assets is important for annual overall profitability of the business and for accurate income tax calculation. Large organizations, as well as some smaller ones, will use some sort of fixed asset tracking software. Asset tracking software allows companies to track what assets they own, where they are located, how much they cost, the monthly or annual depreciation expense and their current value.
We recently had a requirement where a client wanted to be able to access the web client outside of their network from the web without having to use a VPN client. Microsoft’s installation instructions direct you to implement an additional server outside of your firewall to provide windows authentication. I am going to give you the steps to publish the web client outside of your firewall without the need of an additional server and you don’t need to use a VPN.
If you are involved in the Microsoft Dynamics world, in any capacity, chances are you have heard the latest buzzword “web client” quite a bit as of late. However, there are three key factors everyone should know about the web client before you call your VAR and tell them you are ready.
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