Tag: Parent

Modification to Bulk Update the Parent Account: MSFT Dynamics CRM

No one enjoys opening up each record, one at a time, to update a field with the same value in your company’s CRM. This is why the bulk edit feature in Microsoft Dynamics CRM is such a great tool, especially if the field you need to update is a Lookup field. This ends up saving a bunch of clicks and ultimately, time. One thing I never really noticed though, is that while most fields can be edited there is one on the Account that stood alone. The Parent Account. Since I hadn’t had a need to ever update this field en masse myself it wasn’t until a client wanted to change the Parent Account on multiple records that I realized CRM has the lookup link grayed out. Meaning, Read More »

Not Your Parent’s Accounting System

Acumatica is one of the new solutions in the game and the fastest growing Cloud ERP in the world. They were incorporated in 2008 and started by ex-Microsoft Dynamics executives. The goal being to improve on all that is wrong with MSFT systems. MSFT accounting is good for what it is, but it has a hard time doing what people need to do with computing today. The point of this is not to bash MSFT, but point out where Acumatica is: years ahead in technology; just like your Mac Book is to the IBM 650.

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