Tag: Asset

Disposal of a Fixed Asset in Acumatica Cloud ERP

There are usually two cases in which you would write-off an asset from your accounting books. As I’m sure we have all experienced, hard drives crash and laptops and desktop computers become more useful as paperweights than office equipment. In this instance, the asset is donated or placed in the “circular file” for disposal with no resale market value. This is probably the most common scenario. To remove the asset from your accounting records, you would normally have to create an adjusting journal entry that removes the accumulated depreciation and the original acquisition cost. If the asset is fully depreciated, then the entry is fairly straightforward.

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Entering a Fixed Asset in Acumatica

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a Fixed Asset as a “tangible object of a permanent or long-term nature. Businesses of all sizes purchase and maintain equipment, computers, machinery, furniture, tools and other items to assist in running their enterprise. Tracking the cost, current value and the depreciation expense of these items is a vital exercise of the accounting department of a business. The accurate accounting of assets is important for annual overall profitability of the business and for accurate income tax calculation. Large organizations, as well as some smaller ones, will use some sort of fixed asset tracking software. Asset tracking software allows companies to track what assets they own, where they are located, how much they cost, the monthly or annual depreciation expense and their current value.

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