Day: May 2, 2013

Improving your SQL Server’s performance – Part 3

In Part 1 of this blog series, we outlined the importance of creating a good starting point for performance tuning on your SQL Server  by establishing a baseline for your server’s current performance.  

In Part 2, we covered how to enable Instant File Initialization and adding additional TempDB files to your TempDB database. 

As a conclusion to those articles, we will look at the effects of those changes by running a simple GP2010 Sales Order processing batch posting. To run the test, I create a virtual server with SQL 2012 using the default setting and GP2010 SP2. I made one change to the default to limit SQL server to only use a max of 12GB of RAM since I was running GP2010 and SQL on the same image.  Below are the specs of the server

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Find Tables in SQL with Particular Fields

There are many tools that can be utilized to troubleshoot data in Dynamics GP.  One of the most powerful tools is scripting with SQL server.   It should be noted that scripting with SQL server can manipulate data and should only be used by users who know how their scripts will affect Dynamics GP.

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